
If we have the good fortune to meet a lama or a peace messenger in this lifetime, then this is the one chance that we have to receive positive information and try to regenerate the original, pure crystal light nature of this world. 

Inner Peace Education is my dedication to this world. 

Peace is the one chance for this world in the third millenium. It is the best message to ensure the health and happiness of our children and the future generations in the 3rd millenium.

Choose peace. 

T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen


The creation of this Site was inspired by Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, who shared what one of his discpiles once told him. It was a lady from Iran, who said to him, that it was all very interesting to listen to the histories of the Buddha's life, but that in fact what Lama Gangchen told her, and the experiences she had with him, were what actually effected and changed her life.

So by sharing our experiences in Dharma, and in particular experiences with our teacher, we can become an inspiration for others. Hence our experiences become the witness and testimony of the Buddha's profound peace message actively transforming our lives in the twenty-first century, and this will become the history of NgalSo Buddhism (Western Buddhism).

Your testimonies, memories and experiences can be a great gift for others, and become of benfit to this and future generations.

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Photographs and videos can be shared, all the material will be approved for safety and only subsequently published